Within this range we offer a platform to you to the
purchase of used computer accessories. If you are a registered
customer with SELECT IT, you can use this platform also for the sales
of your parts.
Their advantage
After the documentation we submit each equipment to
an extensive function test. The hardware is divided by us into
different quality classes. Defective components are repaired or
exchanged. Computers are rig/disarmed, standardized, divided
into individual parts u.s.w. By this procedure our customers can
make sure that they get the expected quality supplied.
Where can I look at myself the parts?
In our specialist shop in Heddesheim the articles which
can be sold are available for you for the opinion. Convince
yourselves of quality of the products.
Or you select here in the Second hand range in the menu the
category to it the looked for equipment fit. The articles are
represented as a rule with a detailed description and a picture.
If information to you should be missing, call us nevertheless
simply, or write a E-Mail.
How can I buy something?
If you selected yourselves equipment in the InterNet,
visit us in Heddesheim in our ladengeschaeft. There the desired
equipment is available for you for the collection.
We let the equipment supply you also gladly home or to the
Thank you |