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You are here: BUSINESS-AREA - Web-Service -

  • We obtain both choice and dedicated lines.
  • We drive soft out such as hardware and transfer in your order also conclusions of contracts for stranger IT services.
  • We advise you over InterNet Connectvity and provide a third offerer analysis.
  • Over VPN (Virtual private network) we make a connection of different locations, for binding possible of external coworkers or home working places.
  • Within the range Mailsysteme/Groupware we offer the mechanism of server-stored p.o. boxes with central administration.
  • The structure of multi-location email systems is realized by us.
  • Naturally we furnish also condition alone fax servers to you or integrate your fax server into the email system.

Heddesheim, 2024.7.27 at 10:38




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